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Education, Publications & Awards

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BFA, painting, University of Houston, Dept. of Art, Houston, TX

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX

University of Texas, Dept. of Art, Austin, TX

Diploma, Westbury High School, Houston, TX

Art Scholarship, University of Texas


First Place Award, Region XII Exhibition, University of Texas, Austin, TX

Second Place Award, Gallery 13, Athens, Greece

First Place Award, East End Show, Lawndale Annex, Houston, TX


Houston Metropolitan Magazine, Jan. 1990

Pamela Lewis, The Houston Post, Dec. 21, 1989

Susan Chadwick, The Houston Post, Sun., March 22, 1987

Lauter, Estella, Women as Myth Makers, Poetry and Visual Art by 20th Century Women, Indiana University Press, 1984

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